Sunday, November 16, 2014

Pet Bird Illnesses

The Pet Ownership & Demographics Sourcebook claims that birds are the third most popular pet in the United States behind dogs and cats. And with almost 4.5 million bird-owning households in the country, bird owners are more common than many people realize. Like other pets, birds do get sick and owners are responsible for being aware of how his or her bird is acting, and whether or not their birds show any symptoms of common bird illnesses.

Signs of Sickness


Bird Illnesses
Birds exhibit tell-tale signs of sickness so owners can take the appropriate action in a timely manner. Early detection in illnesses could mean the difference between life and death so make sure to be on the lookout for any of the following:

  •     Open-mouthed breathing: The most common and most serious bird illnesses are respiratory-related, so if your animal is breathing with his or her mouth open you should be concerned
  •     Dirty Feathers: If feathers are rumpled or dirty, especially around the face, your pet could be sick
  •     Weight Loss: Weight loss can significantly reduce a bird's strength and inhibit proper organ function
  •     Tail Bobbing: Prolonged bobbing of the tail could be a sign of a respiratory problem. If a bird is having trouble breathing the tail muscles must work harder.
  •     Changes in Vocalization: Your bird will be less talkative if he or she doesn't feel well so monitor your pet's habits so you can notice any change in pattern.

Symptoms such as these could indicate potentially serious illnesses. Among the most common bird-related illnesses are plumage diseases, bacterial infections such as psittacosis and candida, and parasitic mite infections.

You should always contact your local veterinarian if your pet is experiencing any of these symptoms so they can get the necessary care and treatment.

Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding your pet bird's health contact your Austin veterinarian clinic [] and speak with a professional.
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